As most of you know, our ASIS chapters, Westchester and Mid-Hudson will be merging into one as of January 1, 2018. This will allow us to pool our resources and our activities for upcoming programs and events. There are a few things that we all need to be thinking about and planning during the next few months.

One item is selecting a new name for the chapter. We would like to get suggestions from the membership as to what you think might be a good name for the new chapter.

We want to collect ideas, then once we have gathered a few we will work together to select the most appropriate. Some ideas may include:

  • “Hudson Valley Chapter”
  • “Westchester/Mid-Hudson Chapter”
  • “Hudson Chapter”
  • ?

We are not deciding yet, just collecting ideas. If you have any other suggestions, please email to

Secondly- we need to consider new officers for the new chapter. Our leadership will now come from the membership of both Westchester and Mid-Hudson chapters. If you would be interested in serving in one of the board positions- chair, vice chair, secretary, or treasurer- let us know, or consider it during the next few months.


Charles Patterson, ASIS Westchester 2017 Chair