Securing Houses of Worship Symposium

The Securing Houses of Worship Symposium
was held on: February 28th, 2019, in Tarrytown, NY
To see photos and information from this event please visit our resource page on worship security:

In light of the many recent tragic events at houses of worship, the Hudson Valley Chapter of the ASIS International hosted a special forum addressing the need for vigilance and added protection for religious and spiritual gatherings at places of worship. Clergy and others from the Hudson Valley and surrounding areas are attended this free event on February 28th, 2019 at the DoubleTree Hilton in Tarrytown, NY.

At this symposium, experts on security matters presented on a variety of subjects designed to safeguard and prevent violence in houses of worship.

Please visit our Worship Security resource page for more information and to see photos and reports from this event.