We will be having a Zoom meeting on December 2, 2020, at 6:00 pm.

The topic will be Behavioral Threat Assessment, presented by Tom Veivia.

The missing piece that is often overlooked in the response to mass shootings and workplace violence is the absence of properly designed intervention and mitigation policies and procedures that utilize behavioral threat assessment teams to assess and manage the threats.

Often times the people that commits these horrible acts of violence were individuals that had a connection to their target and displayed concerning behaviors prior to the shooting that were observed by others and not reported or acted upon.

This presentation will discuss the behavioral warning signs of a person who may be on the pathway of violence, the need to incorporate behavioral threat assessment teams into a holistic approach to safety and security in your organization, and how to bring awareness to the other members of your organization on how they contribute to the health and safety of the members of the organization.  Tom will highlight policy development, creating threat assessments teams, and how the process contributes to the overall wellness of the organization in the time of COVID.

               Tom Veivia

Tom’s contact information for any questions or follow up:

Zoom meeting info:
Mark your calendar:
ASIS Hudson Valley Virtual Chapter Event – Tom Veivia Presents Behavioral Threat Assessments
Time: Dec 2, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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