January 22 (Tuesday)

  • 6:30 PM
  • This meeting will focus on discussing and planning our activities for 2019. Come and share your ideas!
  • Location: Rini’s Restaurant, Elmsford, NY
  • Cost $40 per person
    • Includes prix fixe dinner
    • Cash bar
  • Click below to pay in advance by PayPal or credit card.
    • If paying for more than one, you can edit the amount accordingly (40/80/120).
    • Also, please let us know names of attendees if the payment is in a company name or or you have multiple people coming.

February- no chapter meeting

March 19

  • Presentation by Carlos Bermudez
  • Carlos Bermudez, formerly with the NYC Police Department Emergency Service Unit, has been working with Major League Baseball for over six years. He has extensive knowledge and experience in security management and planning for large scale public events.
  • Location still to be decided
Other dates to note:
  • April 16th- Chapter meeting
  • May 21st- Chapter meeting
  • June 18th- Chapter meeting
  • Renegades Game In June (Date TBD)
  • July Fishing Trip (Planning on the 26th)
  • Sept 9th Golf Outing (West Point)
  • Oct 15th- Chapter meeting
  • Nov 19th- Chapter meeting
  • Dec 3rd Holiday Party
We plan to schedule our chapter meetings in alternating locations to make it easier for members to attend from both northern and southern parts of the Hudson Valley.

If you have a suggestion for a speaker or presentation for one of our chapter meetings please let us know! events@asishudsonvalley.org