Chapter officer nominations needed for 2023.
Can you help serve?
Chapter board and other volunteer positions are needed!
Dear Chapter Members,
Can you help your ASIS chapter by serving as an officer for the coming year?
Is there someone you would like to recommend and nominate for one of the positions?
Nominations must be submitted by November 4.
The election for our new officers will take place between November 5th and November 15.
Click the button below to go to the form where you may submit your name and contact info and the position you would be willing to fill or you may also submit someone else’s name if they are a chapter member and you think they would be a good candidate. They will be be contacted to inquire if they would be willing to serve.
Best regards,
Craig Scatola, Chair
Hudson Valley Chapter ASIS
Below are descriptions of the positions and responsibilities we need to fill.
Elections will be held once we receive names or nominations for the board positions.
Board member responsibilities:
Chapter Chair:
• Guide and direct the major functions of the chapter’s operations.
• Preside over all chapter meetings, functions and events.
• Performs the duties normally associated with a CEO of a company.
• Under direction of the RVP and the Board of Directors, performs a wide range of management functions as required to meet the goals and objectives of the chapter and the organization.
• Reporting link between the chapter and the RVP/SRVP/ASIS HQ.
• Use considerable independent judgment in decisions that influence operations at the chapter level to ensure solvency of the chapter and ROI to chapter members.
• Ensure compliance with ASIS chapter activity and financial reporting requirements.
• Appoint chapter committee chairs.
Vice Chair:
• Preside over all chapter meetings, functions and events when the chapter chair is not in attendance.
• Use considerable independent judgment in decisions that influence operations at the chapter level to ensure solvency of the chapter and ROI to chapter members.
• Assist the chair in ensuring compliance with ASIS chapter activity and financial reporting requirements.
• Assist the chair with appointment of chapter committee chairs.
• Keep the minutes of all chapter leadership, committee and special meetings.
• Maintain all official chapter records, including minutes, newsletters, and other official correspondence.
• Request from ASIS HQ and maintain chapter membership roster.
• Authorize use and distribution of the chapter membership roster outside of the chapter executive committee.
• Complete and promptly submit monthly reports using the online chapter activity reporting feature.
• Promptly notify ASIS Headquarters of results of the annual election by submitting the Annual Chapter Officer Questionnaire by 1 December.
• Ensure all necessary correspondence representing the chapter is handled in a timely manner, including, but not limited to Thank You notes to speakers, presenters, special assistance.
• Submission of articles and news regarding chapter activities and events to ASIS Dynamics.
• Submits minutes of the chapter meetings to the newsletter or website each month.
• Receive at all chapter functions and deposit, in an account in the name of the chapter, all monies, securities, funds, and monetary credits of or on behalf of the chapter.
• Receive and safeguard all property and other physical assets owned by the chapter.
• Keep regular accounts of all receipts and disbursements in suitable books provided for that purpose. The records should be available for inspection by all officers and chapter members in good standing, and duly authorized representatives of ASIS International.
• Disburse chapter funds upon approval and direction of the Chapter executive committee.
• Report on the financial status of the chapter at chapter meetings as requested by the Chapter Chair.
• Ensure compliance with all Internal Revenue filing requirements as set forth in ASIS Policy Guide 4015. (U.S. Chapter’s Only)
• Treasurers for chapters outside the U.S. will ensure compliance with all financial regulations and laws for their specific country and/or locality.
• Ensure that all required annual financial reports are filed with ASIS HQ using the online compliance reporting feature.
If you don’t feel up to serving on the board, we have a number of other volunteer positions that can help our chapter become vibrant and run well. Let us know in the nomination form.